Experiential portraiture is emerging as an distinctive artform that is pushng beyond the boundaries of the genre by employng new modes of representation using interactivity and multi-sensory materials. As an emerging artform these portraits have historical significance and value.

I create experiential portraits in a wide range of media: in drawngs, sculpture, installations, and performance, using unique, multi-sensory and interactive materials composed to fit the portrait subject.

I work in collaboration with the person who requests the portrait in order to develop that compostion of the portrait experience.

Please call for more discussion.


I welcome the opportunity to collaborate wth Design Teams to create unique, engaging artworks for their projects.


I would be glad to place experiential portraits in exhibitons that have a suitable format.


I also would be glad to loan experiential portraits for temporary placement in an appropriate location.


Please contact me about the purchase of any art that is seen on this website.