Anderson Ranch Connector Portrait 8-5-22

Group performance portrait


Printed vinyl fabric sheets, 36” x 72”and 36” x 144” pieces, plastic rings, metal binder rings, assorted small metal bells, fiber-reinforced tape. Overall size variable.

Photos and video by Trey Broomfeld.

This is a participatory, interactive artpiece where audience members in separate 6ft. fabric modules are linked together as a group to activate a giant expandable costume: the Connector. The underlying social goal is to encourage after the isolation of covid safe re-connection with people, partcularly in groups,. Here the group must learn together how to navigate and play and in the process evolve ad hoc social contracts to foster communication and group consensus. Attached bells are a haptic device used for expression and play. Connector can grow into an ever-larger linked single assembly by adding more modules or break out into smaller internallylinked groups. The individual unit portability allows them to be easily transported and used in any open space. This is a contemporary reinterpretation of Lygia Pape’s 1968 one-sheet group piece Divisor but Connector adds vital social aspects of safe distancing and resocialization plus its module assembly provides easy expandability.